Press - "Gramps Just Makes S#IT Up" Podcast


Look Ma! We're in a podcast!

Recently, Dave and Laura had the opportunity to chat with their good friend, Lou Cuneo on his newly-formed podcast, Gramps Just Makes S#!T Up. The podcast consists of Lou interviewing his community of friends as a legacy project for his grand kids to enjoy when they grow up. It was not only an honor to appear on the pilot episode, but it was a lot of fun to record. Lou is quite the interviewer, and he asked some very subtle questions about each of our pasts, the formation of the band, our creative processes, and much more.

If you're curious, we recommend checking it out and subscribing to hear future interviews. Lou's one of our favorite people, and we're sure his next episodes will be well worth the listen (plus, there's trivia!).

Subscribe and listen here.